Thursday, March 21, 2013


*      Marbles game usually involves throwing marbles on the target accurately.

*      It is usually played by boys aged between seven and twelve years. Number of players does not exceed five.
Flat land and open space is a suitable field for a play marbles. Marbles used for this game is kind of marbles are made
​​of limestone, white and big toe


A circle was drawn on the ground diameters of 1 m. In the middle of the circle indented a hole of 10 cm wide and 7 cm deep using heels to the ground. The hole is called the parent hole. A straight line was built at a distance of 3 m from the big lines. This line is a marker start point game.

1)   To start the game each player must swipe your marbles into the pit the master. The marble into the hole or the nearest master is treated as the first player starts the game and these marbles followed by almost a second and so on.
2)   The first player will flick the marbles to all who are in the area of ​​a circle that out. If the flick does not hit it assumed dead and the second player will make a flip to these marbles are there, so on until all players completed flips over other player’s marbles
3)   Players can release the turn but on the condition that it must include the marbles into the hole master his first. The player will ensure his marbles always is close to the hole every time master flips done. This makes it easier to control the game
4)   Each exchange turn to the next player, the player who took his turn required to enter the marble into the hole before master can flick opponent’s marbles. If the marbles do not go into master hole, turn to the other players given.
5)   Scoring based on the large number of flips made ​​against opponents marbles until all players finish their turn.
6)   Two way fines are levied against players who collect the lowest amount. The player will lose his marbles in the hole inserting master and all players will cross marbles. The second way is by each player once a flick of the lost marbles away from the circle.


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