Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This game is one of the games that we play at the wide place at out from our house. This game is not only have been playing by the kids but also have been playing by the adults to show at the tourist that have come to our country.
This game is not playing by the individual but it play with two group. The two groups are represented by the attack and defend group. Each group have not less than four players and as usual it contains only ten players only.
One of the players from the group will be select as a leader and the rest will be normal players only.        
The task for the leader is to look for each attack that enter to the field and out from the field, which is a long from the beginning line, middle and around the field. The normal players will look for a middle line in the field only.
Before the game started the voting will decide who start first. The way of voting that usually they use is wan tu som. The leader will ‘fight’ in wan tu som to decide who the winner.
The winner will be the attack team and the team that lose in wan tu som will be defending team.  When the player from attack team has touch the player from the defending team the player from the defending team will lose. There is no rules that has decided where the place that should be the place for playing this game.  It also no has fixed measurement for the field, but it approximate between six or eight meter wide and for the distance for every each straight line in the field approximate between three or four meter.
The total for straight line for the normal player is no limited; it is follow the total of the player for each group. As the piquet for the line, you can use flour or rope if you are playing on the field. Otherwise, you also can use paint if the surface is cement

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